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Time to make a plopfile - for the next few steps, I'm going to take a more granular approach. Each step will add to the same chunk of code which will end up being the full plopfile code. Let's make the file:

touch plopfile.js

For starters, you'll need to export a default function with plop as an argument. In plopfile.js, add:

export default function (plop) {
// ...

Plop has a method called setGenerator. It takes an array of prompts and an array actions. Based on the answers from the prompts you will get a customized output. Here we'll create our first generator, called ts-component:

export default function (plop) {
plop.setGenerator('ts-component', {
description: 'A React component and unit test written in Typescript',
prompts: [],
actions: []

Remember when inquirer was mentioned earlier? Here's where we'll use our inquirer prompt types. We'll be needing a name for our component, so add an input prompt to our array of prompts, like this:

export default function (plop) {
plop.setGenerator('ts-component', {
description: 'A React component and unit test written in Typescript',
prompts: [
type: 'input',
name: 'name',
message: 'Component name'
actions: []

Next, we need to add an action. Plop has a few to choose from and for this tutorial, we'll be using the addMany action. As the names suggests, it will add multiple files to the destination that we give it.

Add an object to the actions array, give it a type of addMany. For destination we'll use ${process.cwd()}/{{ pascalCase name }}. This little string will point to the folder where the command was executed and create a folder with the name of your component in pascal case. The next key is the templateFiles which we have not created yet, go ahead and add it anyway. Lastly is the base key which chops the namespace to whatever you like (see here for more).

Your plopfile should now look like this:

export default function (plop) {
plop.setGenerator('ts-component', {
description: 'A React component and unit test written in Typescript',
prompts: [
type: 'input',
name: 'name',
message: 'Component name'
actions: [
type: 'addMany',
destination: `${process.cwd()}/{{ pascalCase name }}`,
templateFiles: 'plop-templates/ts-component',
base: 'plop-templates/ts-component'